About us

Our Association

We have founded this association for the conservation and promotion of the Winter Trail and to be able to enjoy in common our hobby that is walking. Our group is made up of people of all ages who like the Camino and want to share their interests and make friends. It is always a joy that new members come and bring a breath of fresh air to our ranks. Go ahead and come visit us one day: it will be a pleasure to meet you!

Your contact person

Asunción Arias Arias O Santo nº 8, FONTEI - A RÚA (Ourense) Telephones: 616 124 521 and 988 311 614 E-mail: asociacionvaldeorras@gmail.com

Board of Directors

President Asunción Arias Arias Telephone: 616 124 521 Email: asociacionvaldeorras@gmail.com Vice President Felicidad Pérez García Secretary Nieves Núñez García Treasurer María del Rosario Álvarez Cao Members Vocal 1: José D. Rúa Pérez Member 2: Estrella Vedo


Statutes. Click to Download File


FOUNDATION: In O Barco de Valdeorras, in the auditorium of the Casa Grande, located in the Ramón Otero Pedrayo square, 11, at twenty hours on January 2, 2001, the following meet: Francisco González Prieto Ramón García Rodríguez Antonio Cao Rodríguez Josefa García Cao Mª Luisa Alvarez Delgado Carlos García Hervella Manuel Lorenzo Fernández Ricardo Soto González Mª Carmen Valle Díaz-Santos and decided to found the Amigos do Camiño de Santiago Association in Valdeorras to publicize this path, called "Camiño de Inverno". The group grew rapidly and has become a fundamental axis of this path. Transfer to the new building of the association: Thanks to the growing number of our members, we were able to move to a new premises, loaned by the A Rúa City Council, where we have installed two computers and a library with more than 300 copies, lent by the Xunta de Galicia, the Barrie de la Maza Foundation, various publishers and the disinterested contribution of some partners.


Text provided by the author of THE GUIDE TO THE WINTER ROAD, José D. Rúa Pérez. The medieval pilgrim who arrived in Ponferrada in the middle of winter would probably find a snowy or rainy landscape, with the paths and sidewalks full of mud and puddles. In front of him was a formidable challenge: crossing the Cebreiro. He had to face dangers without count. Along with the adverse weather, which greatly increased the hardness of the ascent, there were other not inconsiderable factors: the wolves, the bandits, the payment of tolls or portazgo at the entrance of the Valcarce river valley to the lord of Sarracin or of the Auctanes, the absence of accommodation during the climb to the mythical mountain, etc. Faced with such a challenge, the pilgrim had few resources: the staff to chase away vermin; a cape with cape, both of rough fabric, that hardly withstood the rain without stalling; A rustic, worn and broken footwear after several months on the road. And a little more. In this situation it is not surprising that some pilgrims chose another easier route to enter Galicia, leaving Ponferrada to the southwest and taking advantage of the existence of an old secondary Roman road. This, without a doubt, was the origin of the Winter Trail to Santiago de Compostela. This seems to appear in documents found in the archives of the Bishopric of Astorga. The Winter Trail is the only one that crosses the four Galician provinces. It is, therefore, the most Galician of all the Roads. Indeed, after leaving El Bierzo for the Domingo Flórez Bridge, it crosses the regions of Valdeorras (Ourense), Ribeira Sacra and Terra de Lemos (Lugo), Chantada, Deza and Ulla (Pontevedra) and enters A Coruña through Puente Ulla. It partly takes advantage of the layout of the secondary Roman roads G-51 (from Ponferrada to Las Médulas by Cornatel) and G-40 (Codos de Belesar, Quiroga, Barxa de Lor, Monforte), as well as some section of the Via Nova or Track XVIII. All this set of roads and branches that the Romans arranged to exploit the gold riches of the Sil river, later evolved on a main line that defined what came to constitute a royal road and the natural entrance of the railway to Galicia (Alfonso XIII inaugurated it in 1883). It did not become the first road between Madrid and Galicia, because Carlos III preferred a more direct route to the city of A Coruña through Pedrafita do Cebreiro. The generous effort of the Associations of Friends of the Winter Way and of some of the municipalities through which it passes is gradually reviving the memory and activity of this ancient and beautiful route. The studies carried out have conclusively demonstrated the historical existence in various localities of hospitals for pilgrims, in some cases in charge of or under the protection of the Templars and, after the dissolution of this Order, by that of Saint John of Jerusalem or Hospitallers. Burials of deceased pilgrims during their Jacobean journey have also been accredited, and documentation has been found regarding trips to Compostela through this Camino. The Jacobean symbolism is numerous and, also, the number of churches under the dedication of the Apostle is remarkable. In short, the consideration of the Winter Trail as one of the Caminos de Santiago seems beyond doubt.

Interesting links On the following Internet pages you will find interesting information: www.xacobeo.es (Information about the Winter Trail) https://www.pilgrim.es www.caminodesantiago.consumer.es www.mundicamino.com ( Information about the Winter Trail) www.xacobeo.org www.peregrino.com www.caminosantiago.org www.amigosdelcamino.com www.101peregrinos.com www.gronze.com https://santiagoways.com https: //www.tee -travel.com Friendly pages www.monchoragar.com www.cigurria.es www.pazodocastro.com http://pradaweb.blogspot.com/ caminoinvierno (we are a region) Associations AACS Alava AACS Alatoz (Albacete) AACS Albaceta AACS Alcañiz (Teruel ) AACS Alicante AACS Andorra (Teruel) AACS Astorga and Comarca AACS Astur-Galaico Interior AACS Asturias AACS Avila AACS Baleares AACS Barcelona AACS Barcelona AACS Bierzo AACS Burgos AACS Cádiz AACS Castellón AACS Córdoba AACS Ebre Montsia, Amposta AAC ) AACS Girona AACS Granada AACS Grana da Jacobea AACS Hospital de Orbigo AACS Huesca AACS Jaca AACS L´Hospitalet de Llobregat AACS La Rioja AACS Lugo AACS León AACS Madrid AACS Mansilla de las Mulas (León) AACS Monte del Sueve (Asturias) AACS Navarra AACS Ourense AACS Seville AACS Toledo AACS Valencia AACS Via Augusta, Cádiz AACS Viana do Castelo AACS Vizcaya AACS Zaragoza Camino de Santiago del Sureste
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